The Big Blue and Fire-Fire- Fire!
oil on wood 18x24
Here is a view we see all the time but rarely paint. I was driving riding shotgun with painting pal Tony Peters when this gentleman drove by this big old blue car. With his matching outfit and his striking older face the image formed in my mind as a painting so I made Tony catch up to him and got a shot I turned into this painting.
Fire in the hills of our town.
It was scary as the mountains just above us burned badly. But we are just low/ far enough away not to be evacuated. Do to ideal weather conditions( for us) we could hardly smell the smoke is it funneled strait up and away. Don't know how bad it got in the canyons. The rumor is the Fire department concentrated on protecting the million dollor homes, letting the " hippy house" canyon fend for itself. Just a rumor at this point.
view from my front porch
Midnight reflections of fire light on my studio
The second night from my studio looking over my house... During the day it looked contained...
Labels: Sierra Madre fire