Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Bill and Tony's under the freeway adventure

Under the Over 11x 14 oil on canvas board

Several weeks ago Tony and I went to San Pedro to takes pictures of the area. After shooting all day we thought we were done for the night, but while tooling along home we decided to shoot the metro LACMTA station at where the century freeway crosses the Harbor freeway.

Taco's at Midnight 11x14 oil on linen
It was pretty late, but our art reference blood was up so we parking the car on Figueroa. I noticed a taco wagon down a side street that became the little painting above. We walked along an off ramp for a bit them doubled back and across the freeway taking a long walk to the Metro station.

We toured the train platform where we encountered a local who wasn't in a hurry to catch his train.

On the way down to the bus platform I spotted a crack whore way down on the bottom level, as I took her picture a gentleman shoved a low rent blackberry like device under my nose with an image of a diamond necklace or something. The considerate midnight salesman hoped I shared his fascination with the bling, but I politely excused myself to continue down with my business at hand. The whore was in rough shape, clearly she was in the most desperate of states as she snuck up behind me while I was taking pictures... then thought the better of it when I turned around she veered off.

Continuing on past another gentleman working the pipe for all it was worth,( behide the pillar) I went past the last bus stop and started down the center-dividing strip on the Harbor freeway.

Tony soon caught up to me and we went along quite a ways in the dark. Good spooky times.

Sunday, September 07, 2008
Blimp over the Valley

16x20 GO acrlyics
While there is a reference photo for this, I added the blimp and wildly extrapolated from said reference in and attempt to push in a different expressive direction. You could make an argument this is pure fantasy, but it's possible right? On another note...
I just judged the Raymar art contest for last month. It was interesting and a nice honor to be chosen for a contest I've never won. ;-) It really make you think about why you like a painting and in a few chases I had to give the nod to paintings that had problems, but were so much more interesting and ambitious than others that played it safe. I found out judging is like teaching is a learning experience. I'm not sure when the results will be posted... But I'm done.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Mail Truck, Downtown

GO acrylic 24x26 on wood
My largest Golden Open Acrylic to date. One of those lucky reference photos that's gets "made" by a small element being there when you lift your camera. The little truck on a almost empty street has some charm factor to it for some reason. I've meant to paint a mail truck for a long time and I finally got to. Looks like this one is sold even before it go put into it's intended show. Ironically, I sent a lot of time leaving stuff out/ editing as much time as detailing would have taken. I was worried the color was a little dull, but I think the truck acents help spice it up.