Going Home and a fix

OIl on wood 12x16
Since I was a teen I admired the work Illustrator of Bernie Fuchs. Over the years I kind of took him for granted and went thru a period of judgmental attitude where I was very anti- photography put him off my radar. More recently people have mentioned that my work reminded them of him. Taking a second look I had to admit it seems that way, but it must have been unconscious. However, I do have a renewed admiration for his work. So when he passed recently I didn't take his work out and copy it, but using my own reference, I did this sort of tribute to him, thinking about him as I worked. Fuchs and Bob Peak were the last true titans of Illustration staying at the top of their game while the illustration business was dieing. During his later years he seemed to have found a home in the fine art world too.
BF: do a serch on him tons of great stuff on the internet.

I took this painting: Blimp over Burbank (posted a few months ago) to the framer for the up coming Newberry show and noticed a chip on it. I got it home fixed the chip and proceeded to work on it for another 2 hours doing enough adjusting to post it again. Guess it helped BOB is a finalist in the Ray mar competition.