Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Urban Art Show!

Towalwmie 2 8x10 oil on linen.

Practice Building, Fresno 6x8 oil on linen

Towalwmie 9x12 oil on linen. A Corvair parked behind a trailer near the house I was staying in in Towalwmie. Looked like it had not been moved be moved in 20 years.It was blue at one time, but bleached almost white from the sun.

Hidden9x12oil on linen-- behind and abandoned grain silo in Bakersfield.

Sheep Ranch Road 6x8 oil on linen

Sunset Train 8x10 oil on linen
Keep returning to this post I'm going to put up new paintings for the show almost every day on this same thread.
Yes I am going be in an urban group show at:
The Vault Gallery of Fine Art
42 South Washington Street Sonora,
California 95370
on September 1st thru 28th
with a reception on September 9th at 6 to 9 pm.
see link to gallery-------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I will have 20 paintings in the show including this one.8x10 oil. 20 paintings is almost a solo show so if you like my work this would be the one to come to. I don't have another big show on the roster until October of 2007 and the prices are really reasonable. This is another view of the expressionest train.
Admittatedly, It is haul other to Sonora, but it is a great gallery (huge) it is literally an old bank with vault door still intact. The town itself is a cute tourist country town, so if you come out I would make a day or weekend of it. The Rattlesnake grille is not to be missed, lakes and Yosemite are fairly close with plenty of tourist stuff to do or creepy old hamlets to explore. I am amazed that I am in the same show as Ray Roberts. The show will be a mix of recent paintings I have posted and a bunch of new paintings of the area of Tuolumne County, Fresno and Bakersfield represented. If you drop me an E- mail I will send you both my and Ray Roberts show cards. Oh and here is another great Ray Roberts painting.

Monday, August 21, 2006
Engine and Ray Roberts

Hello fellow Bloglodytes,
I'm back a little early from the trip. I was spending to much time visiting and taking photos, sleeping and being "Vacation lazy." I wasen't painting enough and there is little time left to get ready for my show in Senora. I panicked and rushed back, now I'm in full in studio painting mode with tons of great referance.
Had a really nice visit with Ray Roberts, picked up a painting from him posted below. It was a real treat to get to look through all his work, to spy on him painting a big studio piece, and ask him about his process. Of course I talked to much, a bad habit when I'm nervous or any other time. He taught one of the best workshops I've taken and I highly recommend him. I love his color and the freedom of his brushwork.
Above is a PA I did before I left for the trip that hadn't dried yet. 8x10 oil on Linen. This is by the LA river, across and slightly South of Chinatown, about the same place I took the photo for Expressionist Train. I had almost finished the engine when another train rolled in coupled with it and pulled it away. Jay Mac was so intently working, she didn't notice it was gone. I mock yelled: "they stole my train" and she laughed and suddenly screamed (I'm paraphrasing): "the Fucking train is gone!" She's hadn't put it in her panting yet. Luckily I had a photo, I don't think she really used it, she's good enough to "fake it"

Monday, August 14, 2006
Mt. Washington

Just a little PA. 6x8 oil on linen. I wanted to leave you with a big studio painting, but didn't get time to take it to Artworks to be photographed.
I'm off to a week long PA painting trip in Sonora in central California on Tuesday to do paintings for a September show at the Vault gallery in the same area. I'll post some replies until tonight, but this will be the last painting for a bit. I'm looking forward to painting with some of the locals and excited about getting to visit my old teacher and hero Ray Roberts. Wish I had a lap top to feed my blog obsession, but maybe a break is good.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Expressionist Train

This is a train parked down by the LA river on the other side of the Chinatown area. I was doing a typical nocturne photo jaunt when I found it. When I did the painting later in studio, I decided to try and follow some of the color distortions that come from amateur night photography were light goes warm. I pushed that to the point were it kind of had a expressionist feeling. Oil 11x14 on linen.
This one time for Steve:

Monday, August 07, 2006

Oil 11x 14 linen on wood.
This is a commission done of a woman's grandfather's home village. The old color photo I worked from was badly washed out so I had to fake it to a large degree. I felt tight working this way and choked on an early smaller version. I loosened up on this bigger one and she got a deal as the price didn't go up.
I'm basically happy with this one within the limitations of working from the photo. Even though I often work from photo's, usually I take them myself and more importantly, I was at the place and can remember the feeling to a degree, especially if I do the painting within 24 hours of when I took the photo. That's my theory... Anyway, when you believe something is true the brain gives you that extra confidence. I missed that confidence here, but don't feel I failed, especially as the client is very happy, thank God