I'm trying to move more into abstraction, away from my realistic roots. I have a therory that good abstraction can come from good foundation, but it's a process I'm still struggling with.
Here is a little studio painting (6x8 oil on linen) of a building in Fresno deliberately picked to to a flat angle based more on pattern than depth. I'm trying to be a little more abstract (baby steps) with a rougher approach, tilting the ground plane and trying to be flat yet with some elements almost normal. I think this is an "on the way to something" rather than a success at something new. When I do these, I start out feeling brave and end up feeling I haven't been brave enough.

I'm doing my first all day workshop in conjunction with the Entertainment Art Academy on November 19 details at there website see workshop link, look under events------------->>>>>>>>>
It's a more formal version of my half day class I was teaching earlier this year. I was doing that class for the fun of it and the process of learning how to do best present my teaching ideas, I think I've progressed enough to attempt a little larger, more intense class linked with a school. The regular class is suspended indefinitely, but not necessarily permanently, I may come back to it, but this is the only guaranteed thing at the moment. I hope anyone thinking about taking me before will take the plunge so I can do this on some kind of regular basis.