oil 8x10

Oil 8x10

oil 6x8
Spent a few Days painting with my old young friend Tony Peters. This was the first time I painted an Aircraft Carrier or did a building under construction. Two themes I want to visit more. We went to the San Diego Museum and say some nice paintings from and eclectic show featuring highlights from different art collectors collections. Not a mind blower, but worth seeing if your down there. The highlight for me was seeing the Fechin in the permanent collection, I'd never seen one in person before.
Got a get great photo of a bum taking a whores bath in the park bathroom, soon to be a painting when I get the courage.
Another highlight was going to Tony and Aaron Wiesenfeld's gallery Timmons and seeing their show, then getting to look through the Dan Mc Caw's in the back. WOW!

Just wanted to remind anyone who was consider taking my workshop to sign up information is under the Workshop link under "events" on the site. It's the 19th sign up so I won't be embarrassed, even if you a cartoonist what I teach is applicable to any art subject. So you can recognize me in class I had some professional photos taken in collaboration with Segil Gallery by David McCullough. We had some fun. The tool hanging between my legs is my belt sander, used for removing paint off of failed paintings and having sex with Mike Hoffman.