Stockton Sunset and Mooky

Oil on Wood 16x24
This painting is from my trip to Stockton with Tony Peters. I extrapolated so much on the sky I'd have to say it's out my head more than reference. I was inspired by see the Constable show at the Huntington and a some Turner books I bought there.

All so posted is a charcoal sketch of our Parrot Mooky jazzed up with Photoshop for Sharon's new little site about him: Mooky's Hood.
William -- beautiful job on the sky, great color and feeling of light -- excellent painting. Keep channeling Constable and Turner.
Your broken color studies look great...I had seen you touch on it in several of your earlier pieces. These painting adventures with your gang of paint slatherers is producing some great work.
niCe.. Ted's dad? ..also a cool Turner collection in Chicago AI. He paints a storm like no other mo.
Booming's a pretty good word for it...I was thinking 'roiling' myself.
I like your charcoal, you have any others?
I will I just "discovered" them late as I don't care for there finished work, but there sketches and later work was fantastic. I'd never related to the acclaimed they received for there tight finished work, I find it to mannered and sometimes in Constable case so bad I looks like and assistant finished the work. But his sketches kill they are so strong and modern. Obviously he gave them his all.
Impressive sky... I like your blog and your work, so I should comment once in a while.
Are these usually done in one sitting? I'm just getting back into oil painting and trying to educate myself into faster/alla prima techniques.
Turner's a much greater painter than Constable if you ask me. I love the watercolours too, but also his middle period, I have a special fondness for the paintings of ships. The late ones did get a little bit like formless puddles of mustard.
Thanks John,
Manty the places we go will be gone in the next 5 to 10 years. Kinda weird, but gives you reason to get out there.
Hey Miles Boom back at ya.
Love the sky in this; you really know how to bring life to scenes that most would overlook.
WK-- woo it took me a bit to get that one. Ted's a bit out of the news these days...
BG Charcoals? of the bird or in general?
I was talking about the bird, but I love charcoals in general--even when they're smooth, they're dirty, and even when they're dirty, they're smooth.
i always love your work,..charcoal also too good
Chloe, I thought the same about Turner Vs Constable, until I saw the show at the Huntington. Constable's finished paintings blow homeless butt cheese to me, but his studies and full sized "sketches" were amazing. They are so much better that his finished paintings, I'd venture to guess that constable used assistants to fins out his big final paintings.
WOW!! These are stunning!! Love the cloud in the top piece!!
Two stunning pieces, William! IsnĀ“t frustrating when every painting you do, turns out so well. ;-)))
I enjoy looking at your paintings and maybe I will see some originals one day. The stockton sunset is such a great subject handled in such an outstanding manner that you can stand beside Turner and Constable. I am not joking!
thanks Kerri , that's my little lot in ilfe. ;-)
thanks Jes!
Hey Alina, I like when you say a sentance or two.
I don't think I'm in that league yet. Maybe better than their first year in school.
William, I know that it is a little stupid to compare one painter with another, because one major aspect is taste, but I believe in eternal qualities. Therefore it is not necessary to invent all the time new things in art. It is important to achieve these qualities and the depth of feeling of the the great paintings throughout the centuries. By that, we should be compared and judged.
Hope that makes sense, because English is not my native language.
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