Mark Twain Hotel

Oil on wood 16x24
I'm going out of painting order with this post as I'm enjoying pushing toward a loose gritty impressionism and wanted to share. This is the Hotel Mark Twain off a side by Hollywood Boulevard. I've always remembered it being pink and thought what an ugly choice of color, now I've come full circle and have embraced the Pink.
Something about the combination of run down Hollywood sleaze, Mark Twain and Pink that make for and absurdly potent combination. I remember the Hotel from when I went to Hollywood as a child to visit the bookstores on Hollywood blvd and later as a young man to work out at the YMCA nearby.
I've had photo's of this place for years, but was finally steered into action by recent PA visit to Hollywood and a friendly sense of competition by my old painting pal Tony Peters who lately painted the same subject for his latest show.