Saturday, December 27, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
99 Industry and Bakersfield aftermath

9x12 oil opn linen

One more in the Bakersfield show
Bakersfield was a really joy, thanks to Emily, Nicole and Cindy for everything. Both the show and the Workshop were full and the other shows exciting as well. Had some sales and the books moved well, but people are still being a little cautious in this economy in committing to the big paintings. The show will be up for 2 months so I'm hoping for the paintings to pray on the minds of the many collectors who showed interest. I forgot my suit pants, but everyone seem to think the paint stained paints went with the suit jacket as a sensible artist look.

Friday, December 12, 2008

This is a view from the roof of the Nickelodeon Cartoon studios on a recent (rare) rainy day. Something a little different I hope as I was punishing a modern feel. I would call the methodology in working Brutal Expressionism. A violently painted work on a rough surface.
It's painted on old linen that has been covered with modeling paste and slightly sanded to give a gritty feeling.