This first warm up NYC painting finally dried. I'm using all Walnut oil no turps to go easy on my lungs, but it's frustrating... This was our view from the apartment we rented for the first few days.
24x16 oil on wood.
Painters I like from the past.

Dean Cornwell
I really like the middle painting, it feels like a fiesta!
Love your NYC painting. That red is fantastic!
Love the feeling on this painting.
HEY, it's our view! Looks good, I like the way you stretched it out.
Love the color palette you used on this one. What an interesting atmosphere you have created!
the colour treatment in your empirestate piece is fabulous
I love your interpretation of this NY icon! I'm wondering why you are finding walnut oil frustrating? Do you think it is very different from linseed oil or is it that you're not using any OMS that is making it difficult? Just curious (wish you were still on wetcanvas so we could ask you questions and see your work more often!)
Ahhhh, you always choose the best most unexpected colors! Beautiful, just beautiful.
very cool split fountain effect. Looks like a rather large red light district.
Empire. I like the way the dark sky rhymes and echoes with buildings' skyline. You could push or pull (a little more or a little less) that effect. A couple of paint runs but otherwise good poetry.
Your paintings are inspiring. I have to laugh at how critical you are on yourself which actually is such a good thing. Can't wait to see how these large figure paintings will turn out.
thanks Niki, LSaeta, Vivki, Tony, Jen and Luis--always wanted to paint the ESB.
Walnut is mainly a problem with the lay in taking so long to dry. I like the quite drying of Gamsol.
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I love the top one--looks like the city is red hot!
Great stuff as always William! I look forward to seeing your big painting finished, you're off to a good start.
william - so tell me more about the walnut oil. there's a painter here in indiana who just uses linseed oil - no mineral spirits - less toxicity - i probably should move in that direction but what are the problems you're facing? susie
"WOW" the real thing, GREAT ART GREAT.
Nice one!
Have you tried Neo Megilp made by Gamblin? It's an excellent medium that replaces the old Maroger medium that would blacken and yellow over time. I absolutely love it......and would spread it on my toast if they let me.
It feels like the blood of earth is rising in the vessels
of architect and back.
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