Gun Shots and GOLD.

While we wait for some urban's to dry, here is a golden oldie painted at Whittier Narrows in 2004. Recently, I added the warm light.
I don't paint this smooth, yet hard- edged anymore, but I thought it was something at the time. WN is a lovely park of man made lakes only compromised buy those freaking' little motorized power boat races, the distance popping of Koreans shooting at the practice range and the hiss of male flesh hooded fighting ducks...
This I like. Even if it is an older piece, there is still alot of smooth transitioning in the shades of blue in the sky and in the texture of the water.
Thanks BG. It's nice in it's overworked way, but back then I didn't know how to mass color well so it was hard to make "fractured" puzzle piece pictures like this together, for every one that was ok like this I did dog after dog, not knowing why they weren't working.
I don't have a fraction of the experience you do, but I know exactly what you mean. Same thing happens to me.
Try squinting at you subject and breaking down the scene into three simple graphic masses, a dark and light then a mid value. You are trying to "mass" together all your details into the three groups of values.
Good advice. So when you get more comfortable with the 3 masses, can you break the middle values down further?
That's the idea. It's good exercise is to work small say 2" x 3" starting with simple scenes and working toward more complex. Always only doing the 3 values. At that size you can do one everyday in about 10-15 minutes. You will improve faster than spending three hours struggling with a student detail oriented painting in 3 hours once a week that you will overwork and junk anyway.
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