
Waiting 12x16 oil from a photo, but mortified. This is a typical Los angles corner kid waiting for a bus. Looking into the hazy late afternoon some where most of the color is unified by light and haze into that LA warm grey. I'm still trying to capture the light just right, this is still a bit to yellow. The centering of the kid was deliberate, an exercise in breaking the rules.
So do you always paint from real life, or do you go from other sources?
It seems like when we break a rule like that, we create a renewed interest in our work.
Personally, I like the focus on the kid.
I've never been to L.A., but I've heard there was a different color to the sky there. I think the lighting looks great, but I don't know how to judge according to the actual look of the sky.
When I saw the title, I actually thought it was morning and he was waiting for McDonald's to open.
no kidding around - you could probably sell this one for big bucks to some McDonald's VP or to the corporate headquarters. Very well done and you're really incoroporating a moody sky/atmosphere into your paintings. Happy 2006, Bill!
Hey BG-
At the risk of sounding more pretentious than I already am, I did snap a photo for this, but that was a jumping of point, it a combination of reference, remembrance, distortion and editing stuff out. For example the original figure was a woman in another position. The vertical elements have been rearranged to frame the figure and be impossibly tall to achieve a feeling of dominating the figure. I do paint on location once or twice a week, but usually approach the larger cityscape with figures and moving cars from photos.
I wonder if a Mc Donald's executive could be that hip? More likely he would pass it on to the company lawyers to see if they could sue somehow.
I find my eyes drawn to the golden arches. The painting has such a warm, welcoming feel about it and even though I'm not a McDonald's fan I would love to step into the picture. Great composition.
How can you not be drawn to the golden arches? I commend them for recycling meat product, but I prefer fish. When are you going to post a new painting?
Woo-Wa! Very nice... I am diggin' this piece... so many nice things about it, love the treatment of the sky, great strokes!
William, I can't resist their fries, but I've only been once in the last 3 years. Not bad for someone who had a sausage & egg McMuffin addiction (I blew up like a balloon!!).
Hopefully will be posting some more paintings soon.
Happy new year!
You gave me an alternate idea for a title for this painting: Egg McMuffin.
thanks DIC! For some reason I can never hear to many nice things.
I like this!
thanks Simon.
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